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It is the responsibility of Your Custom Clothes to take all necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of all its employees. This includes the establishment of procedures and systems necessary to make sure the welfare of employees is held to the highest order. The commitment of Your Custom Clothes is to exceed the legal and other requirements to which the company subscribes that relate to occupational health and safety hazards, including those duties set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Your Custom Clothes will provide and maintain a safe working environment with the aim keeping all users of the premise free from injury and ill health whilst still improving on all current best practices used.

Employees of Your Custom Clothes are provided with all the necessary and relevant equipment, training, information and instructions to make sure they are always safe in the workplace and are provided with regular refresher courses on health and safety in the workplace.

It is the duty and responsibility of Your Custom Clothes to protect the health, safety and welfare of all visitors to the company.

Your Custom Clothes takes all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of all employees, this also being the responsibility of each individual employee and contractor in the taking care of their own and other peoples health, safety and welfare, this includes the reporting of any situation which may pose threat to themselves or others. If unsure how to perform certain tasks or report situation which fall in the above it is their duty to report this to a director of safety 

No matter how big or small the injury sustained at work may be it is of utmost importance that the incident is reported for accident in the workplace records, as these make it vital to the monitoring and revision of policy, all employees are told exactly where and how to report accidents in the workplace with this being reiterated in every health and safety refresher course.

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